Create zones on Brocade SAN Switch

80-1007288-01 Brocade SAN Switch 6510 16Gbit 24 Active Ports Na 6510 24 8Gmc R (Refurbished)

How to work on Brocade SAN Switch

To see what’s connected on the switch


You can do and press forward slash (/) to search the specific WWN of your newly connected server

switchshow | more

To see what alias are set up on the switch


To see what zones are set up on the switch


Now we will create alias between WWN to Hostname

alicreate “hostName”,”WWN”

Once we’ve added the alias, we can set up the zone between new server alias to storage

zonecreate “zoneName”,”hostName;storageName”

zonecreate “hostName_fabricConfigName_storageName”,”hostName;storageName

Once the zone is configured, we need to add and enable the new configuration as below

cfgadd “configName”,”zoneName”


cfgenable “configName