Get status report on PowerEdge via omreport
Here’s nifty tools you can use on PowerEdge server machines
Behold the Dell OpenManage Server Administrator
omreport command allows you to see detailed information about your system components. You can retrieve summaries for many system components at one time, or you can get details about a specific component. This chapter shows you how to get reports with the level of detail that you want…!
you can use below command to see the lsit of valid sub-commands
omreport -?
you can then use below command again to see the possible menu on sub-commands
omreport system -?
omreport storage -?
Here’s how you get report on physical disk status on storage of PowerEdge
omreport storage pdisk
To check if the new disk building on RAID is completed
here’s the breakdown of commands, thanks to University of Waterloo
*you may need to install on OS for commands to be available