Set redirect http to https on iPlanet
Here’s the guide on how to setup redirect http to https on iPlanet web server
this is based on Linux installed Oracle iPlanet Web Server version 7.0
Go to iPlanet web instance config directory
cd ~iPlanetDirectory/https-web_instance/config/
Look for web instance obj.conf file
vi ./web_instance-obj.conf
revise to add below for settings
<Client security=”off”>
NameTrans fn=”set-variable” abort=”true” error=”302″ set-srvhdrs=”Location: https://www.<HOSTNAME.DOMAIN>”
<Client security=”off”>
NameTrans fn=”set-variable” abort=”true” error=”302″ set-srvhdrs=”Location: https://<HOSTNAME.DOMAIN>”
<Object name=”default”>
AuthTrans fn=”match-browser” browser=”*MSIE*” ssl-unclean-shutdown=”true”
<If not $security>
NameTrans fn=”redirect” from=”/web” url-prefix=”https://$urlhost/web”
once added, you can reload and/or restart the web-instance to take effect !