User management on AIX

User management on AIX


Check user’s unsuccessful login counts

su – root

lsuser -a unsuccessful_login_count <userid> 


Reset unsuccessful login count

chsec -f /etc/security/lastlog -a unsuccessful_login_count=0 -s <userid>


Unlock account

chuser account_locked=false <userid>


To lock an AIX account

chuser account_locked=true <userid>


Check if user is locked

lsuser <userid>


How to reset the password on AIX when login fails


this would be mainly due to password expire or account expire…!


Check user password history default by this command

grep -p ^default /etc/security/user | grep histsize


Change the password history size by this command (input the # history in digit)

chuser histsize=”#” “userName”


Change the password history to 0 so it doesn’t say invalid password, even if it’s already been used previously

chuser histsize=0 “userName”


Change the password by this command

su “userName”



Change the password history size back to the original and/or default size

chuser histsize=”default_#” “userName”


Set the password so that they never expire by this command

chuser maxage=0 “userName”   –   user can login by changing their password

chuser expires=0 “userName”   –   user cannot login without the help of administrator