Cleaning the Control Station on VNX
Cleaning the Control Station on VNX
ssh into control station (IP noted on storage manual)
Check to see if there’s any stale tasks
cd /nas/tasks (only primary control station has this filesystem)
ls | wc -l
*should be normal to see single to double digits…
Remove any stale tasks
rm -rf *_status
rm -rf *_pipe
check back the stale task status by another command of
ls | wc -l
to see the failover/failback status
10 – slot_0 primary control station (slot_0 should be always primary, if else, login to slot_1 primary and reboot)
0 – slot_1 reset
5 – slot_2 contacted
5 – slot_3 contacted
bring back to the primary node (as recommended)
login to slot_1 primary by command
su – nasadmin
Do not reboot from both primary and secondary control station at once! it will cause serious damage!
*wait for full boot up on each side and check status by getreason commands