Tips & Tricks for AIX
Tips & Tricks on AIX
How to get service console on AIX
Check machine type and firmware on AIX
Stop aix
shutdown -F 0
Check cluster configuration on AIX
scstat or cluster status
Tips & Tricks on AIX
How to get service console on AIX
Check machine type and firmware on AIX
Stop aix
shutdown -F 0
Check cluster configuration on AIX
scstat or cluster status
How to check the disk usage on AIX
list physical volume
list volume group details
lsvg volume_group
export volume group
take out the hdisk
chpv -c hdisk0
Check cluster and failover in AIX
Here’s one utility command you can use to check clustering… smitty!
smitty hacmp
To stop cluster
smitty hacmp
System Management (C-SPOC) > PowerHA SystemMirror Services > Start/Stop/Show
To failover, failback resources
smitty hacmp
System Management (C-SPOC) > Resource Group and Applications > Move Resource Groups to Another Node
To look into cluster node status
lscluster -m
To look up cluster configuration
lscluster -c
Create new LUN on Unity by Dell-EMC
Login to GUI
Go to navigation menu on left Storage > Block
Click the “+” sign to create
-name it with hostname, date and purpose for easy identification
-provide description to identify
-put tiering policy: “Start High Then Auto-Tier” default is recommended
-uncheck the thin provisioning option
-size as requested
-thin option (checked means increase in disk usage as data is written, uncheck means immediate increase)
-no limit on I/O
Provide access to hosts
-set up the hosts connection by clicking “+” sign
Setup snapshot schedule as needed
Setup replication as needed
Create new LUN on Pure Storage
Login to the GUI
Create a new voume by going to Storage > Volumes
Click + to create new LUN
-name it with hostname, date and purpose for easy of identification
-give the size on “Provisioned Size”
-click “Create”
Connect the new LUN to host on Storage > Hosts
-search the hosts and click into it
-if you are not sure, you can look into the hostname on Health > Connections
-if you are not sure, you can look into the host and double check WWN of host’s FC card ports
-click into the 3 dots on to right upper corner
-click “Connect”
-search the LUN by LUN name given and check
-click “Connect”
-click the new LUN created and share the Serial number for sysadmin to identify
Tips & Tricks for Data Domain by Dell-EMC
You can utilize by GUI on web, or ssh into the data domain
Here’s example of data domain commands
To shows current alerts
alerts show current
To unfail the new replaced disk after replacing faulty disk (does not come back online automatically)
disk unfail disk_position (ex: 1.1)
Show the state for disks
disk show state
Shows the properties of disk hardware
disk show hardware
Clean up filesystem
filesys clean start
Check filesystem status
filesys status
Tips & Tricks on VNX storage by Dell-EMC
default ID and PW
ID: nasadmin
PW: nasadmin
ID: root
PW: nasadmin
To check domain list
/nas/sbin/navicli -h spa domain -list
To check failover/failback status
To utilize navisseccli
/nas/sbin/naviseccli -h SPA -user sysadmin -password <password> -scope 0 domain -messner -add -system <CS_IP>
To generate CA certificate for GUI
/nas/sbin/nas_ca_certificate -generate
To extend NFS on VNX
Storage > Storage > Storage Configuration > File Systems
click on appropriate file system
click “Extend” and provide the extend size
click “OK” or “Apply”
Cleaning the Control Station on VNX
ssh into control station (IP noted on storage manual)
Check to see if there’s any stale tasks
cd /nas/tasks (only primary control station has this filesystem)
ls | wc -l
*should be normal to see single to double digits…
Remove any stale tasks
rm -rf *_status
rm -rf *_pipe
check back the stale task status by another command of
ls | wc -l
to see the failover/failback status
10 – slot_0 primary control station (slot_0 should be always primary, if else, login to slot_1 primary and reboot)
0 – slot_1 reset
5 – slot_2 contacted
5 – slot_3 contacted
bring back to the primary node (as recommended)
login to slot_1 primary by command
su – nasadmin
Do not reboot from both primary and secondary control station at once! it will cause serious damage!
*wait for full boot up on each side and check status by getreason commands
How to disable or enable write cache on Unity
SSH into Primary SP
-use OS account “service” with password the same as admin account
-use commands like below to enable or disable
*you only need to run it once and it’ll be applied to both nodes!
svc_cache –get
shows status
3 means enabled
7 means transitioning
8 means disabled
svc_cache –force-enableCacheOperations
force enable cache
Here’s the procedure for maintenance
1) disable write cache option (only need to do once on SP A or B)
2) put Unity SP A or B on service mode
3) on-site engineer will replace parts
4) put Unity SP A or B out of service mode
5) enable write cache option
How to work on Brocade SAN Switch
To see what’s connected on the switch
You can do and press forward slash (/) to search the specific WWN of your newly connected server
switchshow | more
To see what alias are set up on the switch
To see what zones are set up on the switch
Now we will create alias between WWN to Hostname
alicreate “hostName”,”WWN”
Once we’ve added the alias, we can set up the zone between new server alias to storage
zonecreate “zoneName”,”hostName;storageName”
zonecreate “hostName_fabricConfigName_storageName”,”hostName;storageName“
Once the zone is configured, we need to add and enable the new configuration as below
cfgadd “configName”,”zoneName”
cfgenable “configName“