
Clean tapes on NetBackup
Backup is very important! here’s guide on how to clean up the tapes on SL3000 and TS4300 tape library via NetBackup. It is great to know that you have multiple option to perform cleaning and not rely directly on the tape library itself.

Tips & Tricks for NetBackup
Watch out backup admin. Here’s your favorite tips and tricks on how to use veritas netbackup application. we’ll go over the policy, and agents followed by diagnostics & restore procedure.

Add new host on NetBackup
Here’s thorough guide on how to add a new host on netbackup so that the netbackup application can precisely identify your new host. It will be terrible to restore to a wrong host and have the disk space become full !

Access files via iPlanet
Ahhh iPlanet web server made by Oracle. We will go over this legacy application to setup on accessing files!

Renew SSL on iPlanet
Lets make it extra secure! here’s guide for renewing your SSL that’s installed on iPlanet web server. We go over the certutil, pk12util and openssl commands to create, install and convert to different formats.