Setup clustering on RHEL
To setup clustering via PCS on RHEL
Create cluster authentication
pcs cluster auth server1 server2 -u hacluster
Setup & initialize cluster and nodes
pcs cluster setup –name clusterName server1 server2
pcs property set stonith-enabled=true
Setting cluster parameters
Create ipmi users for clustering
ipmitool -U fence -I lanplus -P ‘fencePassword’ -H sensor -L Administrator
server1 (
server2 (
Create pcs stonith entity
pcs stonith create server1 fence_ipmilan pcmk_host_list=server1 delay=30 ipaddr=192.1.1.x login=fence passwd=password privlvl=Operator lanplus=1 op monitor interval=60s
pcs stonith create server2 fence_ipmilan pcmk_host_list=server2 ipaddr=192.0.0.x login=fence passwd=password privlvl=Operator lanplus=1 op monitor interval=60s
Configure corosync
edit /etc/corosync/corosync.conf to have rrp_mode:active & add new ring#_addr to make redundancy
restart corosync
“corosync-cfgtool -s” to check
Create Virtual IP Address
pcs resource create virtual_ip ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr2 ip=192.1.1.x cidr_netmask=32 nic=bond0 op monitor interval=30s
Create ping gateway
pcs resource create ping_gateway_db ocf:pacemaker:ping host_list=
Create LVM
pcs resource create vg_serviceName LVM volgrpname=serviceName exclusive=true
Edit the lvm.conf file to mount LVM
use_lvmetad = 0 on all nodes
locking_type = 1 on all nodes
volume_list = [ “local_volume_group” ]
# systemctl stop lvm2-lvmetad
# systemctl disable lvm2-lvmetad
# systemctl mask lvm2-lvmetad.socket
# cp /boot/initramfs-$(uname -r).img /boot/initramfs-$(uname -r).img.$(date +%m-%d-%H%M%S).bak
# dracut -f -v
Oracle Filesystems
pcs resource create fs_serviceName Filesystem device=”/dev/mapper/service-oracle” directory=”/oracle/serviceName” force_unmount=”true” fstype=”ext4″ run_fsck=”no”
pcs resource create fs_oracle_data1 Filesystem device=”/dev/mapper/serviceName-oradata1″ directory=”/oracle/serviceName/oradata1″ force_unmount=”true” fstype=”ext4″ run_fsck=”no”
pcs resource create fs_oracle_data2 Filesystem device=”/dev/mapper/serviceName-oradata2″ directory=”/oracle/serviceName/oradata2″ force_unmount=”true” fstype=”ext4″ run_fsck=”no”
Oracle instance & listener
pcs resource create db-oracle-instance oracle sid=”Oracle_ID” home=/oracle/serviceName/19_64 monuser=”monuser” monpassword=”password” user=”serviceUser” monprofile=”default”
*serious issue if home= variable has / at the end
pcs resource create db-oracle-listener ocf:heartbeat:oralsnr home=/oracle/serviceName/19_64 listener=LISTENER_serviceName sid=”Oracle_ID” tns_admin=/oracle/serviceName/19_64/network/admin user=”serviceUser” op methods interval=0s timeout=5 monitor interval=10 timeout=30 start interval=0s timeout=120 stop interval=0s timeout=120
Resource group
pcs resource group add group_name resource_id…
pcs resource group add service-db-vip ping_gateway_db vg_serviceName fs_gspnb fs_oracle_data1 fs_oracle_data2 db-oracle-instance db-oracle-listener
Add constraint
location add <id> <resource> <node> <score>
pcs constraint location add server1 ServiceName server1 20000
pcs constraint location add server2 ServiceName server2 10000
location add <id> <resource> <node> <score>
pcs constraint location add location-server2-server1-INFINITY server2 server1 INFINITY
pcs constraint location add location-server1-server2-INFINITY server1 server2 INFINITY
Set up logical volume management
volume_list attribute should be commented on /etc/lvm/lvm.conf
Clean up failure messages
pcs resource cleanup [resource id]
During & After system migration
disable stonith during configuration to prevent fencing
pcs property set stonith-enabled=false
set fence reaction to panic after migration
pcs property set fence-reaction=panic
Show constraint
pcs constraint show –full
Add stickiness on resource meta
stickiness is value to indicate how much the resource prefers to stay where it is
stickiness is like the “cost” of moving resource groups
to see current score on each resource group
pcs constraint show –full
EX: Resource: GSPNB
Enabled on: gspnbldb (score:20000) (id:gspnb1)
Enabled on: gspndev (score:10000) (id:gspnb2)
to set the stickiness
pcs resource meta <ResourceGroup> resource-stickiness=[NumberValue] priority=[NumberValue]
pcs resource meta GSPNB resource-stickiness=15000 priority=100
this will allow the resource to move when “move” command is issued, otherwise it will stick to failover node
score of 20000 > score of 10000 so it’ll stay at gspnbldb
once you issue failover or move command, it will create ban constraint to not allow moving back
“move” option on pcs is to “move the resource off the node it is currently running on by creating a -INFINITY location constraint to ban the node” (it ain’t coming back…)
the stickiness cost of 15000 can be added to help move 10000+15000 > 20000 to push failover node to move back to original node
Remove constraint
you need to remove constraint that may have been created during resource group move OR failover (it will not failback otherwise)
pcs constraint remove <constraint_id>
To test fencing
it will shutdown the node specified and remove node from clustering system
pcs stonith fence [NodeName]
*cheat sheet on RedHat Linux Guru