Network Configuration on RHEL
Network Configuration on RHEL
Check which switch is connected with your adapter
tcpdump -nn -v -i bond0 -s 1500 -c 1 ‘ether[20:2]==0x2000’
*change bond0 with your interface name
Check bond which interface is on active mode
cat /sys/class/net/bond0/bonding/active_slave
Check the current status of bonding interfaces
check /proc/net/bonding/bond#
Check switch adapter status
systool -c fc_host -v |grep port_state
Network Manager CLI
To see current status
ip addr
nmcli connection show
nmcli device status
nmcli general status (current status to the connectivity)
nmcli general logging (current logging status)
nmcli device show
nmcli device show “device_name” (for one specific device)
Create new network profile
nmcli connection add type ethernet con-name “name_of_profile” ifname “interface_name_to_be_used”
Modify new network profile
nmcli connection modify “interface_name” ipv4.addresses “ip_addr/subnet” ipv4.gateway “gateway_ip_addr” ipv4.dns “dns_ip_addr” +ipv4.dns “dns_ip_addr” connection.autoconnect yes ipv4.method manual
this will create new interface_name with ip address with subnet, and gateway with 2 dns ip address, autoconnect on boot with static method
Bring network interface up
nmcli connection up “interface_name”